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Livraison gratuite en France.

vieille devanture de la boutique Paul Bertin Paris
signature du fondateur de Paul Bertin Paris

Discover the captivating history of Maison Bertin Frères, founded in 1871 by Paul Bertin in Paris. Born in Daulaincourt, Haute-Marne, Paul Bertin began by selling haberdashery items on the Saint-Quentin market before specializing in the manufacture of trunks and high-end leather goods.

Thanks to innovative patented inventions, the brand quickly distinguished itself with its unique methods of manufacturing trunks and its revolutionary processes for making skins waterproof.

In 1932, faced with the economic crisis, the Bertin family founded the CIC (Industrial and Commercial Cooperation) alongside the leaders of the four other major trunk makers of the time.

Today, Paul Bertin Paris perpetuates Paul Bertin's cultural heritage by offering elegant, timeless and functional leather goods. The current owners, Fanny and Jérôme, are passionate about the history of leather goods and have developed an accessible luxury brand, 100% transparent and in direct contact with their customers.

Their first collection of bags, Banks and Baby Banks, met with immense success, allowing the brand to be deployed on several market places in France and Europe, thus offering an international reach to their company.

Thanks to their commitment, Fanny and Jérôme preserve and enhance the French heritage of high-end leather goods.

signature iconique de Paul Bertin

Our French leather goods transport you through time.

French brand 🇫🇷

The signature of Paul Bertin above is dated December 18, 1899 and has been verified as authentic in the archives of Paris, France.